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Legal Notice

Welcome to the Plume - Bilingual crèches website, . Thank you for reading and respecting the conditions of use of this site and its elements.  Feather  recommends that parents accompany their children if they wish to view the site.

Site editor

SAS Feather
Whose head office is located at 4, place Jean Zay
92300 - Levallois-Perret
Siren number  : 821812773.

Site host

2 Kellermann Street
59100 Roubaix - France

Intellectual property

This site is owned by Plume. Apart from certain specific mentions, all elements and content used, images, illustrations, graphics, icons, photographs, product images, video clips or extracts and texts belong by right to Plume.


The content of our entire site is designed for strictly personal use. You may copy or download content only for personal use. You may not reproduce, publish, modify or create content directly inspired by our documents.

Protection of personal data

Plume protects your personal data. They are neither given nor rented to any company, service provider or partner whatsoever.


They only serve us as a means of information between you, parents,  and U.S.

The personal data collected on the site result from the voluntary communication of an e-mail address when submitting an e-mail message or a registration.

The data thus collected are only used to transmit the requested information and are only intended for SAS Plume,  from which the rights of access and rectification can be exercised, in accordance with Article 27 of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.  To exercise this right, send your written request to Plume SAS  indicated above or by  mail via the "contact" section of this site .


The data collected in this context may not be transferred to third parties or communicated for unintended purposes.

The hypertext links set up within the framework of this website to other resources on the Internet are offered solely to provide you with the most complete information and neither their content or the links they contain, nor the changes or updates made to them do not engage the responsibility of Plume SAS.

If you decide to access external sites linked to our site, you do so under your sole responsibility.  

Plume SAS cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustiveness of the information made available on this site. Consequently, Plume SAS declines all responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to the information available on this site.


Plume SAS reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site and this legal notice at any time without notice, without this giving rise to any right to compensation or indemnity.

The user also acknowledges having read this legal information and undertakes to comply with them.

Website  by Plume SAS  hosted in France by a French company is governed by French law.

Intellectual property

If you wish to contact us for any suggestion or remark regarding respect for personal data, please write to us at Plume SAS, 11 rue Keller, 75011 Paris or by  e-mail via the contact section of the site.

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